LRC News

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Obama Ad and Web Video Onslaught Continues

As the campaign enters its final month, the onslaught of ads and Web videos by the Obama campaign continues. The TV ad "Risky Plan" attacks McCain's support of President Bush's plan to privatize Social Security, tying the issue to the recent collapse of major investment banks. The ad "Life Member," with a gun owner expressing his support for Obama, is a response to a multi-million dollar anti-Obama campaign by the National Rifle Association. "Seguro Medico" is a Spanish-language ad, and the fifth Obama ad released in the past three days to focus on health care. And finally, the Web video "The American Promise," with Super-8 footage from the Democratic Convention and stirring music composed by Greg Kuehn, is designed to be a YouTube viral video.

Obama TV ad "Risky Plan:"

Obama ad "Life Member:"

Obama Spanish-language ad "Seguro Medico:"

Obama Web video "The American Promise:"