NATIONAL PRESS SECRETARYToday Americans received more evidence that President Clinton's economic policies have produced an economy that is growing strong and steady. The Conference Board reported today that consumer confidence about the economy and their future prospects is now at it's highest level in six years and is nearly double what is was the month before President Clinton was elected in 1992.
Today's consumer confidence number demonstrates the American people's preference for President Clinton's economic strategy. Under President Clinton’s leadership, the economy has produced 10 million new jobs, 93% of which are in the private sector, and more than two-thirds of the new jobs are high-wage jobs. And, under President Clinton's leadership, the American people enjoy the lowest combined unemployment, inflation, and mortgage rates in nearly 30 years, and stronger private-sector growth than either the Reagan or Bush Administrations.
As Bob Dole struggles to define his economic plan, perhaps his advisors should look to President Clinton’s economic program which has produced a record of sustained economic growth.
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