NATIONAL PRESS SECRETARYIn a desperate attempt to try to find a message for his campaign, Bob Dole continues his negative attacks against the President. But what’s missing from his speeches and advertisements is any discussion of his own record of 35 years in Congress:
- "But there is one place that Dole hardly ever mentions: Washington, D.C. It’s as if the most important part of his life ended when ... when he entered politics." (U.S. News & World Report, 9/2/96);
- In his acceptance speech in San Diego, Bob Dole barely mentioned the Congress in a 50 minute address;
- In a critique of Bob Dole’s 30 minute infomercial "Portrait of a Man" the New York Times wrote "the advertisement ... utterly shorn of Bob Dole’s economic proposals and even his experience in the United States Senate." (9/5/96).
Today, September 23, 1996, the Clinton/Gore '96 campaign announces a new ad entitled "Wrong In The Past". "Wrong in the Past" is designed to fill the 35 year issue and legislative gap left by the Dole campaign.
The text of the ad follows:
Wrong In The Past
Let’s go back in time. The ‘60s. Bob Dole’s in Congress.
Votes against creating Medicare. Against creating student loans.
Against the Department of Education. Against a higher minimum wage
Still there. Against creating a drug czar. Against the Brady Bill to fight crime.
Against Family and Medical Leave. Against vaccines for children.
Against Medicare - again. Dole-Gingrich tried to cut 270 billion.
Bob Dole. Wrong in the past. Wrong for our future.
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.