PRESS ACTIVITIES IN 34 STATES MARK THE ENDORSEMENTThree major environmental groups -- the Sierra Club, Clean Water Action and the League of Conservation Voters -- today presented their endorsements of President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore accepted the endorsements from the three groups, who represent over one million Americans, at an event in Washington, D.C.
Said Vice President Gore upon accepting the endorsement, “President Clinton and I are committed to protecting our families’ future. No child should have to drink water contaminated by dangerous chemicals, eat food laden with pesticides or live near a toxic waste dump. We will not let Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich and extreme anti-environmentalists in Congress destroy 25 years of progress on safe water, clean air or toxic waste standards. We will not compromise America’s natural heritage in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Tongass National Forest, the Mojave National Preserve and other areas.”
In announcing the endorsements, leaders of the three groups praised President Clinton’s leadership on a broad range of environmental issues and condemned Bob Dole’s 35-year record of votes against the environment. Deb Callahan, President of the bipartisan League of Conservation Voters (LCV), contrasted the Clinton Administration’s record in support of environmental protection with Bob Dole’s congressional record of anti-environmental votes, as scored by the annual LCV National Environmental Scorecard. “With only a 19 percent lifetime voting record, Bob Dole has voted against the environment four out of five times over the last 25 years. You have to work very hard to acquire such a terrible record,” Callahan said.
Speaking for the 700,000 members of Clean Water Action, Board Member Myrth York stated, “President Clinton’s vetoes were the only thing standing between the Dole/Gingrich, pro-polluter Congress and its desire to gut the Clean Water Act and other protections for our health and the environment.”
Sierra Club President Adam Werbach added, “President Clinton and Vice President Gore have demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting America’s environment for our families and our future. Their leadership in protecting the environment has earned them the support of the Sierra Club and all Americans.”
Clinton/Gore Campaign Manager Peter S. Knight said, “The endorsements of these major environmental groups is a strong acknowledgment of the President’s and Vice President’s commitment to the environment. We are thrilled to have the support of these prestigious groups.”
Companion press activities featuring environmental leaders, citizen activists and Clinton/Gore campaign officials are being held in 34 states across the nation marking the endorsement. (See attached list.) # # #
Activity: Press Conference in Birmingham
Surrogates: Mayor Richard Arrington, Pete Conroy, Alabama Environmental Council, John Gemmill, Director Economic and Community Development in BirminghamALASKA:
Activity: Press and radio from local environmentalists
Surrogates: Representatives from: Sierra Club, Alaska Rainforest, Alaska Center for the Environment, Gwinchin Group (ANWR), State Representative David FinklesteinCALIFORNIA:
Activity: Radio Actualities
Surrogates: Sierra Club, National President or Executive Director, Clean Water Action State DirectorCOLORADO:
Activity: Press Conference and Radio Actualities at Cherry Creek in Denver
Surrogates: Representatives from: Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, League of Conservation VotersDELAWARE:
Activity: Radio
Surrogates: Debbie Heaton, President of Delaware Sierra ClubFLORIDA:
Activity: Press Interviews
Surrogates: Bob Sullivan, St. Petersburg political Chair Sierra Club, Hamish Ziegler, Miami, Research Consultant Clean Water Action, Dan Hendrickson, League of Conservation Florida Vice President, Francine Robinson, Florida League of Conservation Voters PresidentGEORGIA:
Activity: Press availability Conference and canoe trips at Etowah/Chastity waterway
Surrogates: Sierra Club RepresentativeINDIANA:
Event: Press Conference and Clean up of a waste dump
Surrogate: Mark Carmichael, Congressional candidateKANSAS:
Event: Press Conference
Surrogate: Bill Kraven, President Kansas Sierra ClubKENTUCKY:
Event: Press Conference at the Greenbriar in Lexington
Surrogates: Oscar Geraldo, Chair of Kentucky Sierra ClubLOUISIANA:
Event 1: Press Availability and cleanup of Palmer Park in New Orleans
Surrogates: Laura Fruge, College Democrats, Louisiana Action NetworkActivity 2: Press Availability and cleanup of Spanish Lake (near Baton Rouge)
Surrogates: Frank Bonefay, Willie Fontenot, Louisiana Environmental Action NetworkMARYLAND:
Activity: Radio interviews
Surrogates: Sierra Club membersMICHIGAN:
Activity 1: Press Availability
Surrogates: Representative KildeeActivity 2: Press Conference in Grand Rapids
Surrogates: Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, League of Conservation VotersActivity 3: Press Conference in Traverse City
Surrogates: Representatives from Sierra Club, Clean Water ActionMINNESOTA:
Activity: Press Conference at City Park on Banks of Mississippi
Surrogates: Pam Bilxt, Sierra Club President, Steve Hoffman, League of Conservation Voters President, Ginny Yingling, Clean Water Action President, Representative Bruce Vento, Senator Paul Wellstone, Attorney General Skip HumphreyMISSISSIPPI:
Activity: Press Conference in Jackson
Surrogates: Representatives of the Sierra ClubMISSOURI:
Activity 1: Press Availability at Recycling Drive in St. Louis
Activity 2: Press Availability at Recycling Drive in Kansas City
Surrogates: Clinton/Gore Green Team - Volunteers from local environmental organizationsMONTANA:
Activity: Press Conference in Bozeman
Surrogates: Sherman Janke, Chairman local Sierra Club, Jane Gelinski, Galltin County Commissioner, Brian Kuehl, Greater Yellowstone Commissioner, Clean Water ActionNEVADA:
Activity: Press conference in Las Vegas
Surrogates: Senator BryanNEW JERSEY:
Activity: Radio
Surrogates: Representatives from the Environmental FederationNEW MEXICO:
Activity: Press event
Surrogates: Representatives Sierra Club and League of Conservation VotersNEW YORK:
Activity: Press Conference at Echofest at Riverside Park
Surrogates: Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, Sierra Club, League of Conservation VotersNORTH CAROLINA:
Activity: Press Conference in front of EPA Research Lab
Surrogates: Bill Holman, Sierra Club, Mark Izzell, League of Conservation VotersNORTH DAKOTA:
Activity: Print and radio availability
Surrogate: Sherry Shadley, Clean Water Action Program CoordinatorOHIO:
Activity: Press Conference with Ohio Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters meetingPENNSYLVANIA:
Activity 1: Press Conference at Superfund site in Philadelphia S
urrogates: Representative Borsky, Sierra Club and Clean Water Action representativesActivity 2: Press Conference at Point State Park in Pittsburgh
Surrogates: Representatives from Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, and Group Against Smog & PollutionRHODE ISLAND:
Activity: Radio
Surrogate: Myrth York, former State SenatorSOUTH CAROLINA:
Event: Press Conference
Surrogates: Representatives of Sierra ClubSOUTH DAKOTA:
Activity: Press Availability
Surrogates: Karen Fogas, Chair South Dakota Sierra Club, Tom Yseth, naturalistTENNESSEE:
Activity: Press Conference at Bicentennial Mall State Park
Surrogate: Sheila Shay, Tennessee Sierra ClubTEXAS:
Activity: Press Availability at Superfund Site Cleanup in Dallas
Surrogates: Representative Edie Bernice Johnson, Gary Mauro, Chair Clinton/Gore '96 Advisory Committee, Representative John Bryan, John Paulond, Congressional CandidateVERMONT:
Activity: Press Conference at Lake Champlain
Surrogates: Sierra Club, Local environmental groupsVIRGINIA:
Activity: Press Conference at James River Restoration Project in Richmond
Surrogates: Representatives from Sierra Club, League of Conservation VotersWASHINGTON:
Activity: Press Interviews
Surrogates: Bill Arthur, North West Regional Director, Sierra ClubWEST VIRGINIA:
Activity: Press Conference
Surrogates: State Senator David Grubb, National Board of Clean Water Action, David Arnold, Class IV River Runners, Norm Steenstra, Executive Director of West Virginia Citizens Action Group###
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.