On the Horizon
The President and First Lady will be in
Sioux Falls November 4
Tipper Gore will be in
Sioux Falls November 3Call Clinton/Gore headquarters for details
Come out and show your support!
As we head into the final days
of the campaign, we need your help
energizing your community to
GET OUT THE VOTE!Call the Clinton/Gore office number
below to volunteer.South Dakota Highlights
September 21 - The "On the Road
to the 21st Century" Bus Tour in Brandon, SD.Clinton-Gore '96 Headquarters
427 N. Minnesota Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104Phone: 605-373-9600
Fax: 605-373-9973
State Director: Ned Ertel
Press Secretary: Debbie Hoffman
South Dakota Democratic Coordinated Campaign
405 South Third Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57104Phone: 605-335-7337
Fax: 605-335-7401
Director: Karen Besserman
The Coordinated Campaign is a distinct entity, directed by the Democratic National Party and the State Democratic Parties, and designed to elect Democrats to all levels of office.
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.