On the Horizon
As we head into the final days
of the campaign, we need your help
energizing your community to
GET OUT THE VOTE!Call the Clinton/Gore office number
below to volunteer.New Mexico Highlights
November 1 - The President's Remarks in Las Cruces
October 13 - The President in Albuquerque
Clinton-Gore '96 Headquarters
303 San Mateo NE
Suite 103
Albuquerque, NM 87108Phone: 505-262-9600
Fax: 505-262-1212
State Director: Antionette SeDillo-Lopez
Political Director: Veronica DeLaGarza
Press Secretary: Anne Uhring
Coordinated Campaign Target '96
130 Alavarado, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87108Phone: 505-262-1996
Fax: 505-262-2834
Director: Billy Sparks
The Coordinated Campaign is a distinct entity, directed by the Democratic National Party and the State Democratic Parties, and designed to elect Democrats to all levels of office.
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.