October 24, 1996CLINTON/GORE ‘96 RELEASES NEW ADVERTISEMENT Today, October 24, 1996, the Clinton/Gore ‘96 campaign announces a new ad entitled, "Safe." The text of the ad follows:
You work your whole life and hope for a secure retirement.
That’s why it’s so wrong that Dole and Gingrich tried to slash Medicare $270 billion.
Dole even voted to make it easier for corporations to raid our pension funds.
Dole’s risky tax scheme would balloon the deficit; threaten Medicare cuts - again.
Can we count on Bob Dole?
[Bob Dole] "I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare, one of twelve, because we knew it wouldn’t work."
Bob Dole. Wrong in the past. Wrong for our future.
VHS and beta copies of the ad are available for media organizations. For more information, please call the press office at 202/496-1037.
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Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.