October 8, 1996CLINTON/GORE ‘96 RELEASES NEW ADVERTISEMENT Today, October 8, 1996, the Clinton/Gore ‘96 campaign announces a new ad entitled, "Preserve" This ad will be released to limited markets. The text of the ad follows:
[Dole] "I will be the President who preserves and strengthens and protects Medicare."
[Dole] " I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare, one of twelve, because we knew it wouldn’t work."
Last year, Dole/Gingrich tried to cut Medicare $270 billion.
[Dole] "Give children a chance in life, give them an education."
[Dole] "We’re going to eliminate the Department of Education. We don’t need it in the first place. I didn’t vote for it in 1979."
Dole tried to slash college scholarships.
[Dole] "Voting against Medicare."
Wrong in the Past.
[Dole] "We’re going to eliminate the Department of Education."
Wrong for our future.
VHS and beta copies are available for media organizations. For more information, please call the press office at 202/496-1037.
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.