October 21, 1996CLINTON/GORE ‘96 RELEASES NEW ADVERTISEMENT Today, October 21, 1996, the Clinton/Gore ‘96 campaign announces a new ad entitled, "Desperate" The text of the ad follows:
Bob Dole. Desperate attacks.
President Clinton restricted foreign lobbying, fought 4 years for campaign finance reform.
Dole and the Republicans took $2.4 million from foreign interests.
Foreign oil, foreign tobacco, foreign drug companies.
A top Dole aide, fined 6 million for a Hong Kong fundraising scheme.
An independent watchdog cites Dole as the Senator "most responsible for blocking any serious campaign finance reform."
Bob Dole. [Wrong in the past.] And wrong to turn to desperate attacks.
VHS and beta copies of the ad are available for media organizations. For more information, please call the press office at 202/496-1037.
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Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.