September 27, 1996CLINTON/GORE ‘96 RELEASES NEW ADVERTISEMENT Today, September 27, 1996, the Clinton/Gore ‘96 campaign announces a new ad entitled "Economic Plan". The text of the ad follows:
Economic Record
10 million new jobs.
Family income up $1600 (since 1993).
President Clinton cut the deficit 60%;
Signed welfare reform - requiring work, time limits.
Taxes cut for 15 million families.
Balancing the budget.
America’s moving forward with an economic plan that works.
Bob Dole: 900 billion in higher taxes. Republicans call him tax collector for the welfare state. His risky tax scheme would raise taxes on 9 million families.
Bob Dole. Wrong in the past. Wrong for our future.
VHS and beta copies of the ad are available for media organizations. For more information, please call the press office at 202/496-1037.
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.