For Immediate Release:
Dole and Tax Cut
Clinton/Gore '96

For Immediate Release:
August 21, 1996


We’re encouraged by Bob Dole’s new interest in full disclosure. In that spirit, we hope Bob Dole will now identify how he plans to pay for a $548 billion election year tax cut without ballooning the deficit.

As numerous economists have said, cutting taxes $548 billion and balancing the budget will require severe cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, education and environmental protection far beyond those rejected in the 1995 Dole/Gingrich budget.

When it comes to full disclosure, there is no more important issue to millions of Americans than the details of Bob Dole’s election year economic scheme. Bob Dole owes it to all Americans to detail how deeply he will cut programs like Medicare and Medicaid. The health of millions of Americans will depend on the details Bob Dole is currently hiding from the American public.


Paid for by Clinton/Gore ’96 General Committee, Inc.