NATIONAL PRESS SECRETARYToday, Bob Dole and Jack Kemp went to Capitol Hill to get the blessing of Newt Gingrich and to reassure their troops that they will continue the "Republican revolution."
The Dole-Gingrich "revolution" would have cut Medicare by $270 billion -- the deepest cuts in history -- to pay for a $245 billion tax cut. If President Clinton had not held firm, the Dole-Gingrich Congress also would have raised taxes on eight million families, repealed the assault weapons ban, cut head start for preschool children, ended the federal guarantee of a school lunch, and cut college scholarships.
Bob Dole doesn’t need to convince Hill Republicans. Bob Dole needs to be straight with the American people and tell them what he intends to cut this time to pay for his huge $550 billion tax cut.
The Dole/Gingrich/Kemp
"Revolution" "The great part about it is, come January, Newt's going to be able to work with a Republican
-- Bob DoleBob Dole and Jack Kemp visited Capitol Hill today to check in with the third member of their team -- Newt Gingrich. Jack Kemp made the Dole/Gingrich/Kemp ticket’s intentions clear today when he said, "...we can complete the revolution." In 1995, Dole said, "The revolution's started, and if we're going to finish it, we need someone in the White House, as I said, who can bring about change and I'll hope the people who believe that will stand beside me in this campaign." (WMUR-TV (NH) debate, CNN, 10/11/95) In June 1996, Dole said, "The great part about it is, come January, Newt's going to be able to work with a Republican president." (Washington Post, 7/23/96; Atlanta Journal & Constitution, 6/9/96)
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Election Committee, Inc.