Keeping his promise to millions of uninsured Americans, President Clinton today signed into law the Kassebaum-Kennedy Health Insurance Reform Act of 1996, which limits the ability of insurers to exclude from coverage those individuals who are sick or disabled. This legislation also provides a guarantee of ongoing coverage for millions of Americans who leave or lose their jobs.
President Clinton is extremely pleased to secure this long-overdue victory. He appreciates the bipartisan Congressional response to his State of the Union Address calling for the passage of this legislation.
As many as 25 million Americans will benefit from the important portability guarantees -- guaranteed renewal and guaranteed issue -- within the health insurance reform provisions.
Although health insurance reform is the focus of this legislation, the Kassebaum-Kennedy Health Insurance Reform Act of 1996 includes numerous other provisions advocated by President Clinton. For example:
Preventing fraud and abuse. The Kassebaum-Kennedy legislation strengthens the efforts of the federal government to target and prosecute "bad apple" health care providers who are bilking the system of billions of dollars.
Tax deductibility of health insurance premiums for the self-employed. With regard to the tax deductibility of health insurance premiums, the Kassebaum-Kennedy legislation moves toward assuring that the self-employed are treated the same as all other employers who purchase health insurance.
President Clinton remains committed to seeking other ways to address other problems in the health care system. This legislation represents an important part of his agenda for increased access to the health care system..
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.