Anna Kidman
Dowgiac, Michigan
My name is Anna Kidman. I am 73, have raised a family of 9 children,
eight of my own and a foster child, who lost her mother shortly after
immigrating to America from Germany. I volunteer my time at St.
Vincent de Paul, where I cheer the lonely, feed the hungry, and clothe
the poor. In January 1995
I became a widow when I lost my husband, Terry, to lung cancer.
Recently, President Clinton's train passed through my home town,
on his way to the Democratic National Convention.
When I heard that his train would pass through Dowgiac, I encouraged
everyone I spoke with to come to the train station for a chance to see
the President. I inherit my passion and activism from my father, who
immigrated to America from Poland in 1912. On election day, my father
would put on his suit, go door to door, and encourage our friends and
neighbors to vote. Well, the train came, passed through town, and left.
We didn't get to see the President. When I told my daughter about the
train, she said she would e-mail the President and ask him for a sign
that the average person can be heard. So here I am. I was given a
chance to tell you why I support the President and Mrs. Clinton.
The President and Mrs. Clinton, Vice President and Mrs. Gore, are what's
good for America. I believe that they have not recieved enough credit
for what they have done, and continue to do. It takes a lot of courage
to fight for what's right ... and it takes team effort. The policies of
your administration are truly focused toward the needs of the American
people, not only in the present, but for generations to come. I admire
the way the you stood firm in the halls of Congress to protect
Affirmative Action, Education, Medicare, the Environment, Welfare Reform
and raising the Minimum Wage, which needs to go higher yet. Thank you,
President Clinton, for taking on the Tobbacco Industry. It is a great
comfort to me, not only because of the loss of my husband, but because I
know that you are trying to protect my grandchildren, and all children,
from the destruction caused by addiction to nicotine. Yes, it is
addictive, even during chemotherapy, my husband, Terry, craved
Thank you, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. In my community work, I
am involved with people of all ages, races, and walks of life. I know it
takes a villiage to raise a child. I hate to think of where my
foster-daughter, Theresa, would be today had we not been there for her.
There are countless other young people that have
touched my life through my children. Yes, Hillary, you are right, it is
not a new idea, but a way of living that needs to be emphasized in our
society as a whole. I am very proud that we have a First Lady who is
involved in the social issues of the day, and actively working to find
solutions to social needs. Her efforts on behalf of health care reform
and the President's program to end illiteracy in America are two such
fine efforts. I know that it is difficult to bring about change in a
damned if you do damned if you don't situation. President Clinton's
vision for America, and his realistic approach, comes at a crucial point
in our history. I look forward to seeing you re-double your efforts on
these and other important issues. Keep up the good work!
Everyone should remember to vote on November 5!!!