Clinton/Gore '96


Photo of the President

Cherishing our Children
Announced a breakthrough agreement with the media and entertainment industry to develop a television ratings system to enable parents to protect their children from violence and adult content.
Gave parents greater control over what their children watch on television by requiring the installation of anti-violence screening chips (“V-chips”) in all new televisions.
Proposed targeted measures to cut off children’s access to tobacco products and to reduce their appeal to children.
Established a Childhood Immunization Initiative to ensure vaccinations and healthy futures for all children. In 1995, the immunization rate for two-year-old children reached 75%, a historic high.

Strengthening Our Families
Enabled workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a family member without fear of losing their jobs. (Family and Medical Leave Act)
The President has proposed expanding the Family and Medical Leave Act to better help workers care for their families without sacrificing their work obligations. The expansion will allow workers to take up to 24 hours of unpaid leave per year in support of their children’s educational needs, older relatives’ health care and other family medical and dental obligations.
Proposed an employee-choice flex-time initiative that will allow workers to agree with their employers to work overtime in exchange for up to 80 hours of paid time-off (“flex-time”). Under the President’s proposal, workers could choose to receive time-and-a-half in flex-time or in cash pay for each hour of overtime and could use their accumulated flex-time for any purpose.
Provided tax relief for 15 million working families by increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit to allow more families to qualify for tax rebates.
Helped families move from welfare to work by authorizing 40 states to bypass existing welfare rules and set time limits on benefits, require recipients to work or stay in school, provide child care and give employers incentives to hire welfare recipients. These waivers are making work and responsibility a way of life for 75% of all welfare recipients.

Ensuring Responsibility
Collected a record $11 billion in child support in 1995 through tougher enforcement, almost a 40% increase over 1992.
Issued an Executive Order to help track down federal workers who fail to pay child support.
Worked with community, business and religious leaders to form a national campaign to reduce teen pregnancy.

Paid for by Clinton/Gore ’96 General Committee, Inc.