Clinton/Gore '96


Photo of the President

Ensuring Public Health
Made the air we breathe cleaner by issuing new standards to cut toxic pollution from chemical plants by 90% and dangerous incinerator emissions by 98%.
Fought attempts in Congress to roll back the progress made in ensuring safe food and water for our families.
Issued new policy to protect consumers from E. Coli bacteria contamination in meat.
Expanded the public’s right-to-know about toxic releases and required polluters to disclose information to the public.
Ensured compliance with environmental safeguards by toughening EPA’s enforcement programs.
Fought Republican Congressional attempts to gut the Superfund law that makes polluters—rather than taxpayers—pay to clean up toxic dumps. Vetoed a Republican Congressional bill that cut Superfund clean ups by 25%.
Canceled 75 hazardous pesticides while moving safer substitutes into the market more quickly.

Protecting Our Natural Resources
Fought attempts to close national parks and lift the ban on offshore oil drilling.
Committed $1.5 billion over seven years to help restore the unique Florida Everglades.
Broke through decades of conflict and negotiated a consensus plan to protect and allocate California Bay-Delta water.

Common Sense Reforms to Environmental Programs
Changed EPA rules and procedures to reduce paperwork requirements for businesses by 10 million hours.
Reformed wetlands and endangered species programs to better protect the environment while lessening any adverse impact on homeowners.
Launched a Brownfields Initiative to return land to productive use by providing tax incentives to clean up old industrial waste sites.

Paid for by Clinton/Gore ’96 General Committee, Inc.