Clinton/Gore '96

World Leadership

Photo of the President

Leading the Fight for Peace
After first brokering Dayton Peace Accords ending four years of bloodshed in Bosnia, now helping to provide secure environment so that elections and economic reconstruction can proceed.
Championed peace efforts in the Middle East, negotiating Israel-Jordan peace treaty and helping Israelis and Palestinians fulfill their historic peace agreement.
Authored and organized strong counter-terrorism initiatives at the Summit of the Peacemakers in Egypt in March 1996 and at the G-7 Economic Summit in Lyons in June 1996.
Restored democracy to Haiti, stopping the flow of refugees to the United States, accomplishing the first transfer of power from one democratically elected president to another in Haitian history.
As the first American President to visit Northern Ireland, made a consistent commitment to establish lasting peace there.

Making a Difference in America and Around the World
Russian missiles are no longer pointed at America’s children.
Poised to reduce nuclear stockpiles by another 25% by successfully securing bipartisan Senate ratification of the Start II Treaty with Russia.
Imposed the toughest sanctions ever on Castro’s Cuba following the brutal shoot-down of U.S. nationals over international waters.
Shaped new American military for post-Cold War challenges to peace, ensuring America remains the best-equipped, best-trained and best-prepared fighting force in the world.
Intensified the fight against terrorism and organized crime at home and abroad by pressing for new anti-terrorism legislation providing law enforcement officials tough, updated tools to stop terrorists before they strike and to insure strong penalties for the convicted.

Paid for by Clinton/Gore ’96 General Committee, Inc.

Photograph © Conklin/MONKMEYER