September 2, 1996On Labor Day, the nation celebrates America's workers. President Clinton has a solid record of support for American workers and a plan to help working families into the 21st century. Under President Clinton's leadership, 10 million new jobs have been created. America has the lowest combined rates of unemployment, inflation and home mortgages in 28 years. And by expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, President Clinton has provided a tax cut for 15 million families. President Clinton also increased the minimum wage which provides a raise for 10 million workers; signed the Family and Medical Leave Act into law and has proposed tax cuts for education and child-rearing that are paid for in his balanced budget plan.
Attached is a comparison of President Clinton's and Senator Dole's record for helping working families.
Providing opportunities for America's Working Families
Compare The Public Record: President Clinton Vs. Senator DoleCreating 10 Million New Jobs In 1992, President Clinton promised to create 8 million new jobs. In fact, under President Clinton's leadership, the economy has created 10 million new jobs. Under President Clinton, the unemployment rate for Americans has dropped by 1.3%. [U.S. Dept. of Labor]
Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich led all Republicans in voting against the President's 1993 economic plan. Dole predicted "it will not create jobs." Dole also voted against tax relief for 15 million working families included in the President's economic plan. [Congressional Record, 4/5/93; 1993 CQ Almanac, Vote #247]
Increasing The Minimum Wage For American Workers In his 1995 State of the Union address, President Clinton said, "I believe that you should raise the minimum wage... It rewards work." On August 20, 1996, the President signed a 90¢ increase in the minimum wage, from $4.25 to $5.15 an hour. The measure was originally opposed by the Republicans. [AP, 8/20/96; NY Times, 8/3/96; 1995 State Of The Union, 1/24/95]
During his final two-and-one-half months as Senate Majority Leader, Dole blocked attempts by Democrats to raise the minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15 per-hour. When the issue came up, Dole said, "I assume that sooner or later the issue will be debated and voted on, directly or indirectly... but not today, not tomorrow, and not next week." [New York Times, 3/27/96; Time, 4/29/96]
Passing The Family & Medical Leave Bill In 1993, President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act which provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year with health insurance coverage for the birth or adoption of a child, or the serious illness of the employee or an immediate family member. [1993 CQ Almanac, p. 390]
In 1988, Dole blocked the Family & Medical Leave Bill and voted against the bill in 1991 & 1992, saying, "I don't think this has anything to do with family values..." In 1993 Dole again led a GOP filibuster of the bill and voted against the bill which passed 71-27. [1993 CQ Almanac, Vote # 11, p. 3-S; 1988 CQ Almanac, p.26-263; Vote # 355, p. 58-S; 1991 CQ Almanac, p. 312-313, Vote # 215, p. 28-S; 1992 CQ Almanac, p. 354; Vote # 232, p. 30-S; Hutchinson News, 9/26/92]
Targeting Tax Cuts At Education & Child-Rearing President Clinton has proposed a balanced budget with $110 billion in tax cuts targeted at education and child-rearing including:
A $1,500 HOPE Scholarship tax cut for the first 2 years of college tuition.
A $10,000 tuition tax deduction for education and training at any age.
A $500 per child tax credit for young children.
Expanded savings (IRAs) for education, retirement, first-time homebuyers.Senator Dole's risky economic scheme would cause 40% cuts in domestic spending areas including: education, environmental protection, the FBI, the border patrol, national parks, air traffic control & highways. These are even deeper cuts than the American public rejected in the extreme 1995 Dole/Gingrich budget. [BusinessWeek, 8/19/96; Concord Coalition, 8/14/96]
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Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.