OF PUBLIC LIASON FOR ETHNIC OUTREACHThe Clinton/Gore ‘96 campaign has appointed Ilir Zherka to be Assistant Director of Public Liaison for Ethnic Outreach. Mr. Zherka will be responsible for creating national and state ethnic steering committees; communicating the accomplishments of the Clinton Administration to ethnic communities nationwide; and energizing ethnic Americans to support the reelection of President Clinton and Vice President Gore.
Since coming into office, President Clinton has accumulated an impressive record on issues of concern to ethnic Americans. The President has provided leadership in working for peace in Northern Ireland, Israel, and Bosnia. President Clinton has helped Central European and Newly Independent States develop their economies and solidify their democracies, and he has established a process for including newly democratic states into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. On domestic issues, President Clinton led the fight against crime by strengthening the death penalty and providing for 100,000 new police officers on the beat. The President also fought for working families by enacting the Family Medical Leave Act, by pushing for an increase in the minimum wage, and by steadfastly opposing cuts in education and Medicare, and attacks on the rights of workers.
Mr. Zherka most recently served as legislative counsel to Congressman George Miller where he was primarily responsible for international relations, labor, and crime issues. Zherka also worked as a member of the National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Committee, to increase support for the reelection of the President. Additionally, Zherka led a grassroots effort in the Albanian American community to support the Senate bid of Congressman Bob Torrecelli.
"Ilir’s work experience on Capitol Hill and with ethnic communities makes him a tremendous asset to the campaign," said Alan Wheat, Deputy Campaign Manager and Director of Public Liaison. "Ethnic Americans are a central part of the Democratic Party, President Clinton received the strong support of Ethnic Americans in 1992, and with Ilir’s help I am confident the President will receive their support once again," said Wheat.
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.