President Clinton Has Delivered on His PromisesMaking Louisiana a Better Place to Live and Work. President Clinton has been a leader on the issues the people of Louisiana care about. President Clinton has delivered:
A Growing Economy: Unemployment in Louisiana has dropped from 8.2% to 6.8%. Our nation has the lowest combined rate of unemployment, inflation, and mortgage rates since 1968. Consumer confidence is at its highest level in six years, real wages are rising for the first time in a decade, and homeownership is at a 15-year high. New Jobs, Better Wages: 162,200 new jobs created in Louisiana in 43 months under President Clintonmore than during the previous four years; 10.5 million jobs created nationally. 142,000 minimum wage workers in Louisiana received a pay raise because President Clinton signed the minimum wage increase. Stronger Families: The Family and Medical Leave Act protects 583,000 workers in Louisianaallowing them to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the birth of a child or to take care of a sick family member without fear of losing their jobs. Teen pregnancy is falling, the poverty rate is decreasing, and the number of people on welfare is declining. In Louisiana 34,888 fewer people are on welfare and 68,145 fewer people are on food stamps. Tougher child support enforcement collects nearly $45 million more -- an increase of 54% since FY 1992. Increased Access to Education: 201,400 students in Louisiana can benefit from the Presidents reformed student loan program. 19,344 students benefited from Head Start funding and Louisiana will receive $17,827,102 to fund the Goals 2000 academic achievement program. Cut the Deficit in Half: Reducing the burden of national debt for every Louisiana family of four by $15,000. A Tax Cut: By expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, the President cut taxes for over 390,500 working families in Louisiana and 15 million working families nationwide. President Clinton provided over 18,281 Louisiana small businesses with a tax cut this year by expanding the annual expensing allowance from $10,000 to $17,500. In addition, 1,039 small businesses received a total of $143.7 million in loan guarantees. Safer Streets and Communities: The Presidents Crime Bill adds 677 police officers to Louisianas streets. Three Strikes and Youre Out, the Brady Bill, the Assault Weapons Ban, and community policing are working. Our nations crime rate is down. The number of murders reported has dropped 8%one of the largest declines in three decades. Louisiana received over $2 million in Services, Training, Officers and Prosecutors (STOP) grants to combat domestic violence and sexual assault. Pension and Health Care Coverage: Because President Clinton signed the Retirement Savings and Security Act, 200,000 workers in Louisiana for small businesses will be offered expanded opportunity for pension coverage. Currently, fewer than one-seventh of workers in the over 73,000 small businesses in Louisiana with under 100 employees have pension coverage. In Louisiana, as many as 253,000 citizens in families with a worker who changed, lost or left a job with health insurance will be guaranteed continued access to health insurance under the Kassebaum-Kennedy Health Insurance Bill which President Clinton fought for and signed into law. Renewed Growth in Key Industries: After a decade of enormous job losses in construction, manufacturing, and autos, these industries have made a remarkable recoverymore than one million new jobs created under this Administration.
Fighting for a Balanced Budget That Reflects Our Values: Now we are fighting for a balanced budget that will lift the burden of debt off our children and reflect American valuesa balanced budget that:
Honors our commitment to give Americas seniors the health care they deserve. Protects investment in our young peoples futuresHead Start, access to college. Protects Americas clean water and air, national parks, and our public health. Preserves tax fairness for Americas working families.
More: How President Clinton's international trade policies have helped your state
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.