e have begun to find a way to reduce crime, forming community partnerships with local police forces to catch criminals and prevent crime. This strategy, called community policing, is working. Violent crime is coming down all across America. Lets stick with a strategy that is working, and keep the crime rate coming down.
President Bill Clinton
President Clintons tough anti-crime agenda is making our streets safer for our children and families. Violent crime and murder rates across the country are falling. His Administration is preventing thousands of criminals from buying guns and adding more police to our streets. But while overall crime rates are decreasing, more crimes are being committed by juveniles. The President will fight any attempts to roll back our progress. He will continue to add more cops to our neighborhoods and take guns, drugs and gangs off the streets.President Clinton is providing leadership that is protecting our families by:
Signing the tough and smart Crime Bill. This historic legislation:
Created the COPS program, which is adding 100,000 community police officers in our cities, towns, and neighborhoods44,000 officers have been funded. Banned 19 of the deadliest assault weapons and their copies, while protecting more than 650 legitimate sporting weapons. Provided the death penalty for drug kingpins, murderers of law enforcement officers and nearly 60 additional categories of violent felons. Increased penalties for sex offenders and imposed a registration requirement for violent sex offenders. Included the Violence Against Women Act, our nations first effort to reduce violence against women. The Act has already provided $156 million to help states bolster law enforcement, prosecution and victims services. Created a nationwide 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline to provide immediate crisis intervention, counseling, and referrals. Targeted career violent offenders with a Three-Strikes-and-Youre-Out policy that keeps them behind bars for life. Provided $7.9 billion to build more prison cells and help states ensure that violent offenders serve their full sentences. Created the Community Schools Program to promote constructive alternatives to crime for young people when they are not in school. Fighting for and signing the Brady Bill, which has prevented more than 60,000 fugitives, felons and other criminals from buying handguns. Issuing a Presidential Directive enforcing a "zero tolerance" guns policy in public schools. Signing legislation to require states to disclose information about released child molesters and sexual violent offenders. Granting $88 million to states to help them automate and update their criminal history record systems to prevent the sale of firearms to prohibited purchasers. Launching the Anti-Violent Crime Initiative, which has led to the arrest and conviction of many of our most violent criminals. Providing grants to fight gangs and youth violence through the Department of Health and Human Services Youth Gang Initiative Program and COPS/Gangs grants, and to establish a National Gang Tracking Network. Providing up to $1 million to each of 10 urban police departments, through the COPS Youth Firearms Violence Initiative, to enhance community policing and enforcement efforts to address the rise of youth firearms violence. Initiating Operation Safe Home, in which federal law enforcement agencies are working with public housing residents and managers to increase the arrest and conviction of violent and drug-related suspects so that public housing can be a safer place to live. Supporting school athlete drug testing before the Supreme Court, sending the message to parents and students that drug use will not be tolerated in our schools. Encouraging schools to consider adopting school uniform policies to promote discipline and respect and developing a manual to help schools establish these policies. The manual is being distributed to 16,000 school districts.
Building on Our Progress
While overall crime rates are falling, our young people are increasingly the perpetratorsand victimsof violent crime. That is why President Clinton is getting tough on juvenile criminals. He has submitted legislation that provides tougher sentences for drug dealers and gang members that carry guns and bring these weapons into schools.
He is fighting to give prosecutors the opportunity to prosecute juvenile offenders as adults. The President is providing leadership by:
![]() | Urging Congress to ban the manufacture of cop-killer bullets. |
![]() | Challenging states to ensure that violent criminals serve at least 85% of their sentences. |
![]() | Encouraging local housing authorities to implement a One-Strike-And-Youre-Out program for public housing for those who commit crimes. |
![]() | Calling for an extension of the Brady Bill to prevent those who commit acts of domestic violence from buying guns. |
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.