tay close to the briefings that address the goal of providing opportunities to all Americans. President Clinton and Vice President Gore are working to help people make the most of their lives, with stronger families, economic security, increased educational opportunity, safer streets, a cleaner environment and a safer world for our children and future generations.
Fighting AIDSCare, Research, PreventionMaking Neighborhoods Safer for Americas Families
Promoting Strong and Steady Economic Growth
Strengthening America's Families: Americans With Disabilities
Strengthening Americas Families:
African AmericansStrengthening Americas Families:
Asian and Pacific AmericansStrengthening Americas Families:
Hispanic AmericansStrengthening Americas Families:
Jewish OutreachA Record of Respecting Gay and Lesbian Americans
A Record of Partnership with American Indians and Alaska Natives
Making Government Work Better and Cost Less
Fighting for Quality Health Care
Safeguarding and Strengthening Medicare and Medicaid
Protecting and Expanding Pensions
Investing in Science and Technology
Promoting Growth and Opportunity for America's Small Businesses
Competing Abroad and Promoting Prosperity at Home
Preparing Rural America for the 21st Century
Creating Greater Opportunity for Women
Americas Workers and Their Families
Strengthening the Values of Family and Work
Meeting Our Challenges Protecting Our Values
Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96 General Committee, Inc.